Download Our Enrolment Contract
Collect, Request or Download the Enrolment Contract.
If you would like a tour of our School please also contact the school office to arrange a suitable time.
How To Enrol At Our School

STEP 1 – Enrolment Contract
Collect, Request or download the Enrolment Contract.
The contracts are available for collection from the school office. If you would prefer one to be sent to you, please email or phone our office on 012 654 0579 to request one. If you would like a tour of our School please also contact the school office to arrange a suitable time.

STEP 2 – Complete Enrolment Documentation
After reading through our Enrolment Information Pack, if you decide you would like your child to be part of Zwartkop Christian School, you will need to complete the relevant Enrolment Contract, Subject Selection Form for Grade 10 to 12, and gather the necessary supporting documents. Please note, an individual complete set of documents will need to be submitted for each child you would like to enroll.

STEP 3 – Submit your Application
You can drop off a completed application at our school office:
142 Pine Avenue, Bronberrick, Centurion. Or you can email your complete application to or mail the complete application to:
Zwartkop Christian School
PO Box 10328

STEP 4 – So what happens next?
When we receive your completed application, the Office will check for available places in the Grade you have requested. If a place is not available, the Office will notify you of this and you can decide if you would like to be placed on our waiting list for notification as soon as a place becomes available. When an available place has been identified for possible enrolment, the Office will commence the following process:
For students entering Pre-school
- A pre-school information pack will be sent to you.
For students entering Grade 1 to 9
- A suitable time for our Diagnostic Test will be scheduled. Your child will spend approximately 2-3 days completing the tests, during school hours, in class. The Diagnostic test is one of the indicators we use to allow us to provide the best learning environment for your child. It will also help us to identify if Zwartkop Christian School is able to provide for your child’s educational needs with our current staffing & resources.

For students entering Grade 1 to 9 Continued…
- Once the Diagnostic Test have been concluded, your child’s enrolment application will be forwarded to the Principal. The Office will notify you of the decision of the Principal as soon as possible and to schedule an interview with the Principal or his representative. Once this interview has taken place, your child will be able to commence their Learning Journey with Zwartkop Christian School.
For students entering Grade 10 to 12
- Your child’s enrolment application will be forwarded to the Principal. The Office will notify you of the decision of the Principal as soon as possible and to schedule an interview with the Principal. Once this interview has taken place, your child will be able to commence their Learning Journey with Zwartkop Christian School.
STEP 5 – Purchasing Uniforms

STEP 6 – Commencing the ZCS Learning Journey
When your child arrives to commence their first day at Zwartkop Christian School, they will be met by our friendly Office Staff. Students entering pre-school to Grade 9 will be escorted to their new classroom to meet with their new teacher and new classmates. Their new teacher will make sure they have a buddy for the day to show them around and to help them learn the rules and school grounds.
Students in Grade 10 to 12 will wait in the School Office to be greeted by the Register Class Teacher, who will discuss their timetable and class locations. Parents are welcome to sit in on these discussions if they would like. Students will then be given a buddy for the day to ensure they find their way to their classes and to help them to become accustomed to life at Zwartkop Christian School.